
99.987% Uptime
No events for 24 days!
CxSCA Cloud - Europe / Access Control
No events for 21 days!
CxSCA Cloud - Europe / Access Control
No events for 11 days!
SCA UI malfunction
CxSCA Cloud - United States / Scan Engine
No events for 2 months!
Scans failures in EU
CxSCA Cloud - Europe / Scan Engine
No events for 3 days!
SCA scan downtime
CxSCA Cloud - Europe / Scan Engine
No events for about 1 month!
Scan time increased
CxSCA Cloud - United States / Scan Engine
No events for 1 day!
Access SCA UI redirection to the error page
CxSCA Cloud - United States / Access Control
No events for 28 days!
CxSCA Cloud - United States / Access Control
Degraded scans data
4 Affected Services:
No events for 8 days!
Scans failures in US and EU
2 Affected Services:
No events for 10 days!
Degraded scan time
CxSCA Cloud - Europe / Scan Engine
No events for 6 days!
Scans failures in US
2 Affected Services:
  • CxSCA Cloud - United States / API
  • CxSCA Cloud - United States / Scan Engine
No events for 3 days!
Scans failures in EU
CxSCA Cloud - Europe / Scan Engine
No events for 7 days!
Degraded scan time
CxSCA Cloud - United States / Scan Engine
No events for about 1 month!
SCA scan engine degraded
CxSCA Cloud - United States / Scan Engine
No events for 5 days!
Scans failures in US
CxSCA Cloud - United States / Scan Engine
No events for about 1 month!
SCA scan engine degraded
CxOSA Cloud / Scan Engine
No events for 19 days!
CxSCA Cloud - Europe / API